Comfort Corner

And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him. –Genesis 37:35

Genesis 37:35 is our theme passage because we must allow ourselves to be comforted.

Asking for help and finding a trusted listening ear can be difficult for most of us. We can easily ask if we need advice on planting a garden or ingredients for a new meal. Our mental fitness, however, is a serious issue that we may avoid addressing.

Our hesitation is understandable. Having struggles or feeling overwhelmed causes many of us to feel we are weak or inadequate, but these feelings are normal. We were taught the importance of being strong, independent, and self-sufficient as children. That background makes it hard to tell someone we aren’t okay. Again, it is ok to say we are not ok. As a result, people often try to do the best they can by themselves. Sometimes things turn out fine, but there are no guarantees. Despite this, going it alone could cause a great deal of anxiety and stress and even lead to more serious issues in the long run. We want to guide you through the challenge to better solutions.

The option of turning to family or friends is also common. When the people we trust with our problems and fears are understanding and able to provide meaningful support and help, this could be a good idea. There are times when they can, but there are also times when they can’t.

COMFORT CORNER offers women a SAFE place to let their hair down and talk about real issues beyond the strongholds, borders, and binds of masks, facades, and make-believe.


See you soon!!

COMFORT CORNER offers women a SAFE place to let their hair down and talk about topics like:
         * AGING
         * EMPTY NEST
         * FINANCES
         * SEX
         * AGING PARENTS
         * DIVORCE
         * INFERTILITY
         * DEATH

Upcoming Moments
in the
Comfort Corner
Location: 5071 Percival Road, Elgin, SC 29045 
10:30 AM to 1:30 PM 
Cafe' Commons 
Lunch provided

April 27